Have you ever wondered why there is a kind of the women that men fall hopelessly in love with, with whom they want to spend all their time and to whom men want to give everything? These women are not necessarily the most beautiful, the tallest, the smartest, the one with the most gorgeous hair, sexy legs or the most ample breasts, as one might think!

Have you ever looked at your relationships and wondered what was missing? Being a woman You should be pretty aware how insecure women feel when they are single or engaged in unhappy relationship. Even if they have an active social life and date often, they can’t seem to find that special someone. On the other hand, some married women can realize they are in a marriage where love seems to be lost.

Why do most women struggle in their relationships with men?

There are many reasons why women have relationship challenges, but probably the main reason is that women simply don’t understand men. The main obstacle women face in their effort to understand men is that they turn to all the wrong things:

  • They seek advice from their girlfriends, who are just as clueless as they are in figuring men out;
  • They read dime-store relationship advice from women’s magazines.

If you’re like most women, you probably love talking to your girlfriends about your relationship troubles, and asking them for relationship advice. The unbiased relationship experts say it is not wise to take advices from your girlfriend (or your mother, sister, cousin or aunt, for that matter) UNLESS she herself has a successful relationship with a man and the experience of counseling couples towards successful relationships.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Some of your girlfriends might indeed have the wisdom to give you good advice. But that advice will almost always be based only on their own limited experience and observation. Just because your girlfriend has had an experience similar to yours doesn’t mean her advice applies to your situation.

Having this in mind, Bob Grant, a Licensed Professional Counselor, therapist, and relationship coach for 16 years, has written a book The Woman Men Adore…and Never Want to Leave. Whether You are:

  • a single woman who wants to attract the right man or add romance to your dating life;
  • a woman who dates frequently, but finds it hard to sustain a relationship with a man;
  • a woman who wants to be married but can’t seem to persuade the man in your life to pop the question;
  • a married woman who wants to spark the fire within your marriage and enjoy deeper intimacy with your husband.

This information will help You understand men better and influence them to your way of thinking. As a woman, by virtue of your femininity, You have in your hands the delicious power to make a man fall in love with you, make him want to spend his life with you and want to fulfill your every desire.

Wouldn’t You want to know, just HOW?

Click here to learn more about this must-read book The Woman Men Adore…and Never Want to Leave.