Smile to Bag Your Mr or Mrs Right

A smile has the potential to be like an open door that warmly engages another person or it can be quite the opposite. The intention with which a smile is given and how it is received may match in sentiment or be miles apart. We may either attract the right partner...

First Date Confidence Boosters

The dating world can be rough-rife with rejection, people still clinging to their ex and bad matches to name a few issues. Our ego is easily bruised and we are particularly vulnerable when it comes to romance and dating. With each new person we meet, that spark of...

4 Things That Ruin Happy Relationships

Although there are many reasons that relationships can go sour, for the most part, when an otherwise happy relationship starts to falter the reasons may not be so clear. Sometimes the reason could be large and obvious, but most of the time the problem is the...

15 Characters Traits That Women Find Irresistible

So, you want women to swoon over you? You want to have them falling head over heels just to land a date with you? Or maybe you just want to get an ex back? Whatever the case, if you’re trying to be the next Brad Pitt, you need to know what traits women find...