4 Main Causes of Relationship Failure

Have you ever wondered why such a large percentage of romantic relationships end up failing miserably? Ever thought that perhaps a significant portion of breakups might be preventable? In my experience, there are a few common things that typically derail...

10 Reasons Why Women Have Affairs

Is the “happy ever after effect” on the decline? More and more women are becoming disillusioned with previously acceptably boring but happy lives. There are some very common reasons that could send a women right out the front door and into the arms of...

How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

It can be really difficult to deal with the pain of a break up and maintain a cool head when it feels like your relationship is falling apart. Despite this panic mode that ensues, when you feel like you want to do anything it takes to hold onto her, it’s crucial...

4 Things That Ruin Happy Relationships

Although there are many reasons that relationships can go sour, for the most part, when an otherwise happy relationship starts to falter the reasons may not be so clear. Sometimes the reason could be large and obvious, but most of the time the problem is the...

Is It Time to End Your Relationship?

In many relationships, the time comes when you wonder if you should keep trying or if you should just let go. Although not all relationships will work, it is important to get a true idea of what is best for you before you decide to end things for good. Before you...