Is My Boyfriend Cheating On Me? 5 Signs To Look For

If you’re reading this article, then you’re probably at least somewhat suspicious of your boyfriend.  You may not have any surefire reason to think he might be cheating on you, or you may already be fairly certain…. either way, this article will help you...

4 Main Causes of Relationship Failure

Have you ever wondered why such a large percentage of romantic relationships end up failing miserably? Ever thought that perhaps a significant portion of breakups might be preventable? In my experience, there are a few common things that typically derail...

5 Tips for Buying a Christmas Present for your Boyfriend

Knowing exactly what to people for Christmas is a gift in itself, particular when it comes to choosing for your partner. Do you opt for something expensive and extravagant? Or keep to something sentimental and priceless? If you need a little inspiration this winter,...

10 Reasons Why Women Have Affairs

Is the “happy ever after effect” on the decline? More and more women are becoming disillusioned with previously acceptably boring but happy lives. There are some very common reasons that could send a women right out the front door and into the arms of...